districtenergytv.com                                 Developed by Kontinent Film & TV and DBDH

DistrictEnergyTv.com is a Cloud-TV channel presenting short films about district heating and district  cooling to create awareness about the great benefits of district energy.


The short films present show cases, stories about technological solutions and relevant interviews related to the evidence that for the presence and future district energy systems have a lot to offer and they provide a  flexible infrastructure able to integrate a wide range of (renewable)  energy sources.

The recordings took place in 2014 – 2017 in 24 countries on four continents. The films are intended for industrial professional users within energy production and distribution,, city planners, architects, policy makers and the medias. 

These films are also being used in technical colleges and universities worldwide as supplementary syllabus.

1. The Blockchain Brief - Promo
2. Gastrolife
3. Invest In USA
4. College Life In The UK
5. The Fourth Generation - Sustainable Nuclear Power
6. Connection Unlimited and Decentralised

The current discussion about climate change is largely focused on catastrophes such as rising temperatures, storms, droughts, increased sea levels and mass extinction.
We have globally recognised the challenge, and now we need to focus all our efforts on inventing and implementing both technological and political solutions.

And we have many opportunities. Among others:

· Technological solutions exist to mitigate the effects of climate change
· There are untapped incentives to reduce CO2, related to our wellbeing
· Combating climate change also offers business opportunities
· Developing countries are an important part of the solutions

This channel focuses on giving you knowledge and inspiration, so you can also be a part of driving the solutions.

Please stay tuned for additional short films on this channel.
Look for more on http://www.kontinentfilm.com
Through the given and future technologies we can combat the emerging CO2 impact.

Email: film@kontinentfilm.com

DistrictEnergyTv.com has been developed and owned by Kontinent Film & TV in association with DBDH

Copyright @ All Rights Reserved